Pre-settlement funding is when a company gives you money right away in exchange for the right to receive a portion of your financial settlement in the future. You get money immediately to pay bills and pay nothing back until you get money from the settlement of your claims. If you never get money from your claims, you never have to pay anything back to the legal funding company (the official term for this is “non-recourse”).
Pre-settlement funding is sometimes called consumer legal funding, this type of legal funding is not funding; there is no debt, no monthly payments, and no risk of collections calls or wage garnishments. Any money paid to the legal funding company comes only out of the proceeds of the settlement, never out of your pocket.
Funding that is non-recourse means it doesn’t have to be paid back if you lose your case. When you work with Sunrise, we offer to buy part of the proceeds you could receive from your settlement for money now, to help you get by until the rest of your settlement comes in. It’s not funding — it’s a purchase. Because it’s a purchase, qualifying for funding isn’t based on your credit score (like funding is), and it can never put you into collections (like funding can). Because it’s a purchase, if you lose your case, you owe us nothing. Non-recourse pre-settlement funding can be a safe, stable alternative to taking out funding while you wait and can help you get back on your feet after an accident.
There are four easy steps to receive your pre-settlement funding:
Apply — Make sure you have your case information and attorney’s contact information. It’s also important to tell your attorney you are applying for funding on your legal claim so they can expect a call from Sunrise; we contact them to verify your case details.
Approval — Sunrise reviews the information provided, and if you are qualified, you’ll receive an approval notice and the contract to sign. Make sure you review and fully complete your contract before signing and ask any questions you may have. Your attorney will also receive an acknowledgment to sign.
Follow Up — After Sunrise receives your signed contract and your attorney’s acknowledgment, we’ll process the request. You’ll receive a timeline and instructions about calling back if you don’t receive a confirmation by the end of the timeline.
Receive Funds — Sunrise sends money the same day if possible, using your selected method (Western Union, check, or bank transfer) or the next day.
No, the only parties aware of your transaction are you as the plaintiff, your attorney, and Sunrise Lawsuit Funding.
Start by filling out this quick and easy online form. When we have that information we’ll contact you and tell you how to proceed.
Your credit score is NEVER considered in the approval process.
The money is only paid from the proceeds of your case settlement.
Pricing for funding is determined by the specifics of your case. Apply for FREE and get full pricing details upon approval. Fees are competitive, and you pay nothing out of pocket — payment comes out of the settlement. You owe NOTHING if you don’t win your case.
Once we’ve talked with your lawyers and evaluated your case we’ll make the decision. If we decide to offer you a lawsuit cash funding, you’ll have your money within 24 hours of the paperwork being signed.
That’s up to you. Sometimes people awaiting a lawsuit settlement have damage to their homes or cars or health. You might be in need of the money just to get on with your life. But the money is yours, to spend as you see fit.
No! Never. The funding is based on your lawsuit, not your credit history. So you never need to worry about failing a credit check.